Hilda Dehil and Hilda Bobasso
When Hilda was Hilda Dehil and before Hilda Bobasso
Hilda Bobasso is the name of the Argentine actress, singer, and dancer. Bobasso is her family name, which is also the name that her mother, Anita Bobasso, used for her entire life. Anita was a well-known actress and tango singer in the Americas and Europe.

When Hilda was Hilda Bobasso and Hilda Dehil desambiguation
Hilda was born February 26,1917 and died on September 8,1978 when touring with her son the actor Jorge Perez Evelyn in Barcelona, Spain. ( Information collected from Jorge when doing an interview). Hilda began acting when she was 16 years old, participating as a dancer in her mother's musical shows for several years.
Hilda Bobasso continued in show business using her family's last name for several years. The last time she used "Bobasso" as a last name was in a radio broadcast soap opera called "Frente a la Vida", which in English means Facing Life, on the Spanish LU2 Radio of Bahia Blanca in Argentina, next to the local well-known actor named "Javier Rizzo", sponsored by "Great Tailor Shops" Seinhart.
When the "fashion" of the musical revues "Las Vegas" style hit strong in Buenos Aires after the visit of the group from the famous "Bataclan" from Paris, the musical producer where Hilda was participating wanted a more "appealing" last name for Hilda. Something that would match her new "Vamp" look and style and suggested turning her first name "Hilda" the other way around, meaning "Dehil". Since then, the theater marquees and everything else have shown the name Hilda Dehil for the rest of her life.
Hilda Bobasso
Hilda has been acting since 1933, sharing the stage with her mother in Brazil and Europe. She was a good dancer, and it clearly shows in the press comments from different newspapers and magazines from that time.
Hilda has used the "Dehil" last name for the rest of her life, appearing in different musicals as a vedette and/or actress.
As a vedette, in the famous theater Ba Ta Clan, the theater Politeama, theater Cosmopolita, and the Tabaris Music Hall.
As a comedian and actress, her last reports are "Si mi marido supiera lo que hago (If my husband knew what I do)... in the theater Marconi in Buenos Aires City, and "Cantina Vs. Colmao" (Canteen Versus Grocery Store) in the theater Ateneo Grand Splendid.
For disambiguation, Bobasso was her born last name and the one she used at the beginning of her career until Hilda was 25 years old.
Then, Hilda was using Dehil as suggested by the producer when she began her career as "vedette" and acting in Vodevil’s (which is a dramatic subgenre of frivolous comedy that is light and spicy), which leads to misunderstandings and comic situations in the sung parts alternating with musical shows. Its name derives from the French vaudeville name for the same type of show in France.
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